Sunday, 5 January 2014

Black and White Sunday No.24

My first Christmas!

Hi pals ! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year celebrations. I had a super first Christmas with lots of treats and yummy food but the best part was that I got to spend a whole week at the Grandfolks with my best friend Coco. We got up to all sorts of mischief - well, I did - I managed to destroy 5 of Coco's toys and also decided that going to the toilet on Grandma's rugs was much nicer than going outside in the rain ;) Mum didn't seem impressed though! To be honest I had such a wonderful time and was throughly spoilt that I'm finding it hard being back in London - I'm still trying to find the fireplace in Mum's flat. It's not looking promising ….

Enjoying the fire

Waiting for Coco before the storm

With my Christmas pressies ;)

Grandma, me and Mum 

My new friends 


Sunday, 22 December 2013

Black and White Sunday No.23

Adventures in the fog !

Hi pals! Last week I had my first experience of fog. Dad took me to the park early and here's what happened :

Where has everyone gone? The park is empty!

I search long and hard, leaving no corner unturned...

Still hopeful..

Maybe if I sit here look pretty my friends will find me!

Hallelujah! Finally a big friend turns up...

And brings along all his pals!!

I find my sausage friend Murphy and trot off happily!!!
Hehe !! I had such fun in the park in the end - I just had to be patient as all good things to come to those that wait :) 

Monday, 9 December 2013

A string of sausages

Hi pals, I hope you have had a good week and are getting in the christmas spirit ! It's my first christmas and I'm enjoying it all very much so far - today was fun as Mummy put up the tree and I tried to help by   stealing all the decorations and chewing them -lots more adventures there in the next few weeks I think!
I had a super time in the park a few days ago, I was just strolling along showing off my new coat when suddenly I was surrounded by a circle of sausage dogs! There were 2 brothers wearing matching jumpers and a super handsome black and tan sausage called Monty. We had so much fun sniffing and snuffling - thought you would like the see the pics :)

Hatching a plan