Sunday, 16 June 2013

Too much art for little me

Yesterday I accompanied Mummy and Daddy to the Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead as Mummy was showing some of her paintings. I didn't stay awake for long as I didn't really like anything ( apart from Mummy's of course :) It was far nicer to snooze in my bag then go for a run in the park afterwards !!

Some of Mummy's paintings

Snoozing it all off 

Really quite bored now 

Much happier in the park !

Friday, 14 June 2013

Visit to Daddy's Gallery

So Tuesday evening is handover day, when Mummy gives me to Daddy to look after while she teaches. This week they handed me over at a private view at Daddy's Gallery ( where he shows his paintings :)  I saw lots of wonderful works of art but my favourite was this Gwen John painting as the lady is very pretty. I was super tired at the end though, and crumpled into a heap in Daddy's arms.

Looking at a very pretty Gwen John painting

And a Degas drawing:)

I'm art-ed out!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Weekend at Grandma and Grandad's

Last weekend we all went back to Grandma and Grandad's to look after Coco whilst they went away. As I hadn't seem her for over 3 weeks it was important to play all the time and bite her ears and be a general nuisance : )

Ready to go WALKIES !

You want us to drive !??

Snoozing it all off

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Trip to Kings Place

Mummy and Daddy both have had a piece of work accepted into the Ruth Borchard Self Portrait competition at Kings Place that opens next week. Here I am helping Mummy deliver their work.

While we were there we also had a quick look at the Marcelle Hanselaar exhibition that is currently on display. Mummy spent a long time looking at her prints as she said they are technically 'quite interesting'. I think I prefer Paula Rego though. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Still loving the park

we have lift off !


Visit to the Royal Academy and to the Calder exhibition

 Both Daddy and Mummy both got rejected from the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this year. So to cheer Daddy up I came along with him to pick up his rejected paintings. While we were there we also checked out the Calder exhibition at Pace London. I definitely prefer his mobiles to his paintings!

In the bag and in the jumper

Daddy bought me a new jumper - I'm not sure about it. And I'm not sure at all about being carried in a bag - what's all that about?!